Peter Machen

Peter has always loved to tell stories, it just took him a little while to understand this and find the medium he could tell those stories in.

Over the last thirty years Peter has worked across the performing arts as an actor, writer, director and movement director. Initially running a touring theatre company, at a time when movement-based work was still to enter the mainstream, he has gone on to work in the West End, TV, Film and Education. Along the way he wrote an award-winning film, attended film festivals around the world and sat on international film festival juries.

Inspired by DV8 and Pina Bausch, whilst at Drama School, Peter began a lifelong love of movement, meaning and text. Initially creating work combining naturalism and narrative based movement he has gone on to further develop his work to create a distinctive process that explores the communicative power in the relationship between movement and text.

As the parent of someone neurodivergent, and being neurodivergent himself, Peter has a keen interest in the experience of the neurodivergent artist. As an educator Peter has worked in the Special Educational Needs sector and right across all levels of mainstream education, which has helped shape his practice to make it considered and inclusive.

The very many experiences of his working life combined with his professional practice has enabled him to support and empower actors, students and creatives of all abilities, so that they can exceed their own expectations.